Showing all 22 results

  • May 2, 2021 — Ignite the Circuitry for Full Conscious Embodiment

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    Join me on Sunday May 2 to learn how you can ignite the subtle circuitry of your energetic body and resolve any limiting beliefs or programmed behaviors that create what we perceive and experience as ‘problems’ far more effectively than you’ve ever imagined possible. When we work with the frequencies that underlie the mental and emotional bodies — the quantum level from which the thoughts and feelings — the beliefs and triggered reactions — are created, we are on to the most powerful cutting edge processing technology available.

    Moving beyond the story is not only taking our attention beyond the memory of wounding experiences. It also invites our awareness beneath the story of the polarized mental dynamic and the emotional feelings. Both are valid and valuable processing tools, but my experience is that they are not as effective at processing from level of the root cause, the energetic frequency.

    Learn how to Take it to the body — and begin using Dr Sue Morter’s cutting edge processing approach to deconstruct the protective or performing personality of the separate self, to live as a flow of your true nature — divine cosmic Love. Thus awakening your authentic Realization as a magnificent gift of service for all of humanity.

  • April 18, 2021 — Ignite the Circuitry to Embody Universal Love

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    Join us for the audio and video replays of a powerful session where you can learn how to ignite the subtle circuitry of your energetic body and resolve the limiting beliefs and programmed behaviors that create what we experience as ‘problems’, far more effectively than you’ve ever imagined possible! When we work with the frequencies that underlie the mental and emotional bodies — the quantum level where the thoughts and feelings, the beliefs and triggered reactions are created — we are on to the most powerful cutting edge processing technology available!

    Learn how to ‘take it to the body and begin using this cutting edge approach to processing  to deconstruct the protective or performing personality of the separate self, to live as a flow of your true nature — divine cosmic Love. Thus awakening your authentic Realization as a magnificent gift of service for the human collective.


  • Igniting the Circuitry for Universal Love — 3/14/21 Replays

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    Watch or listen to the replay of the March 14th 2021 session and learn how you can ignite the subtle circuitry of your energetic body and resolve any limiting beliefs or programmed behaviors that create what we perceive to be ‘problems’, far more effectively than you’ve ever imagined possible! When we work with the frequencies that underlie the mental and emotional bodies — the quantum level from which the thoughts and feelings, the beliefs and triggered reactions are created, — we are on to the most powerful cutting edge processing technology available!

    Moving beyond the story is not only taking our attention beyond the memory of wounding experiences. It is moving our awareness beneath the story of the polarized mental dynamics and the emotional body triggers. Mental and emotional processing are valid and valuable tools, but my experience is that they are not as effective as processing from level of the root cause, the energetic frequency. We are quantum beings, living in the reality that we create for ourselves.

    Learn how to Take it to the body — and master this cutting edge processing technology that will allow you to deconstruct the protective or performing personality of the separate self, and live as a flow of divine cosmic Love. Thus awakening to authentic Realization and providing a magnificent gift of service for the human collective.

    Recorded on March 13 2021


  • Resolving Separation with Authentic Inquiry—7/26 Audio

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    On Sunday July 26th we continued our investigation into the most destructive aspects of separation. This month we explored the current hot topic of physical wellness and its many opposites, to expose the false beliefs about embodiment that lie at the root of this dilemma.

    It was a powerful journey of uncovering and resolving many of the limited and limiting beliefs that we hold about the body’s capacities that negate its inherent abilities for self-healing and remaining robust and vibrant throughout the lifetime.

    These sessions are an opportunity to work with cutting edge processing technologies to deconstruct separation, both personally and as a gift of service for the human collective. Join us via the recording for this next installment of Authentic Inquiry.

  • June 28th — Authentic Inquiry to Reveal & Resolve Racism Within

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    On Sunday June 28th we took on this most destructive aspect of separation — racism — with a powerful new approach during our gathering of Authentic Inquiry.

    Aversion, fear, judgement of the ‘Other’.

    How many ways can we spin that one? The list is exhaustive. Obviously racial heritage, physical features, cultural differences or gender. Color of skin, religious and/or spiritual beliefs, educational background, etc. All are limiting beliefs hidden in the depths of the psyche—all keep us from Unity Consciousness—our True Nature.

    Our session was quite successful. Sometimes Recognition is liberation, and simply bringing these hidden prejudices into the light of day, quickly robbed them of their hurtful power.

  • Deconstructing the Myth of Apocalypse

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    Whether you perceive the present global pause as a long-awaited cosmic reset, a cover-up for failing fiat-currency economies, an immune reaction to the advent of 5G, or any one of the many memes floating around — it matters not. This phenomenon will invariably trigger to some degree, the unconscious belief in the myth of apocalypse. And the tenacity with which we champion our particular perspective of this amazing transformative pause, gives us a clue as to how powerfully we are still affected by this deeply held belief — a pervasive archetypal mythology imprinted in our subconscious.

    In order to allow our current experience to better catapult us into states of greater clarity and Soul alignment, it feels quite timely to deconstruct this myth now, and let it dissolve along with the paradigm within which it was created. So join the replay of the May 24th conversation for a powerful Marriage of Spirit group ‘square’ to fully deflate this one — for good.

  • Releasing Frozen Children Series — Special

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    In these classes, Victoria guides us through a powerful vehicle for liberating/releasing our frozen children. We partner with the “angelic realms” to go inward and locate these frozen children and allow them to express the painful impressions that they hold in the unconscious.

  • Authentic Inquiry — the Aristocrat versus the Commoner Continued!

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    During our call on Saturday, November 30th we did a powerful  group square to meet head-on and bring to rest the polarized archetypes of the aristocrat and the commoner.Together we dug in to reveal and clarify both our attraction and repulsion to each of these archetypes, and ultimately resolve them into their ascended, balanced state of Grace.

    We made a spectacular start to dismantling this pivotal dynamic, and are continuing to work with it online, and with potential future calls. If you’d like to join in, the recording and scribed results from this call are available with this replay. And you are welcome to join us if you feel that this dynamic is one that you are also seeing play out in the world and would like to be part of bringing it to rest. There will be one more call to continue our work on this one in 2019! Date TBD.

  • Relationships 2.0 — Clearing Entanglements Audio

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    During this call we journey into the realm of contracts, commitments and the resulting dilemma of energetic entanglements!  Our co-created field provides a safe place to dig deeply within to reveal and clear the unconscious energetic connections from relationships past and present. We can then unravel the egoic ties and reclaim the light of our true nature as conscious luminous Presence.

    Are you ready for Mastery? If so, then please enjoy this recording and join us live during out next calls in this powerful ongoing program!

    Recorded on May 26th

  • Authentic Inquiry; Recognition and Resolution with Grace

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    Authentic Inquiry consists of two calls each month where participants are exposed to and gain mastery, of a variety of structured inquiry modalities.

    Join us on Saturday, August 24th at 8:00am PDT/4:00pm UK for this brilliant, effective and masterful path to:

    • Usher the mind into stunning coherence,
    • Clarify the emotional body into balanced resonance with our own essence as cosmic Truth,
    • Propel each of us into the vastness and spectacular terrain of our own Divinity.

    On August 24th we’ll take our inquiry into the realm of the opposites that create the spin of polarized duality using the Marriage of Spirit tools. Using our online platform we’ll engage in a dialogue to determine beforehand just what is energetically “up” for all concerned this month. Then we’ll work through a group square to resolve the chosen set of opposites into its ascended and balanced state of Grace.

    At the moment two potential dynamics to look at are:

    • Appreciated versus Being Taken for Granted or
    • Acknowledged versus Unacknowledged

    Are you ready for the Fast Path of Mastery? If so, then  join us for this exciting series — powerful yes, and definitely not for the faint of heart!

  • August 4th and 24th — Authentic Inquiry; Recognition, Resolution and Grace

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    Authentic Inquiry consists of two calls each month where participants are exposed to and gain mastery, of a variety of structured inquiry modalities.

    Join us on  Sunday, August 4th & Saturday, August 24th at 8:00am PDT/4:00pm UK for this brilliant, effective and masterful path to:

    • Usher the mind into stunning coherence,
    • Clarify the emotional body into balanced resonance with our own essence as cosmic Truth,
    • Propel each of us into the vastness and spectacular terrain of our own Divinity.

    On August 4th we continue an exploration of Byron Katie’s popular processing technique “The Work”, as described in her book Loving What Is.  Our co-created field provides a safe place where we dig deeply to honestly confront and reveal with grace and grit the unconscious territory of mistaken beliefs and patterned behaviors that keep us stuck in a limited spectrum of consciousness. Thus creating difficulty and lack of harmony in our relationship to all aspects of our lives. This call is an opportunity to expand our processing skills with a new, and highly effective approach that powerfully leads our egoic natures into clarity and balance.

    Then on August 24th we’ll take our inquiry into the realm of the opposites that create the spin of polarized duality using the Marriage of Spirit tools. Using our online platform we’ll engage in a dialogue to determine beforehand just what is energetically “up” for all concerned this month. Then we’ll work through a group square to resolve the chosen set of opposites into its ascended and balanced state of Grace.

    Are you ready for the Fast Path of Mastery? If so, then  join us for this exciting series — powerful yes, and definitely not for the faint of heart!

  • The Processing Lab Audio Series — Coming Soon!

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    It is time for each of us to lay down the gauntlet for ourselves to see just how serious we are about meditating into states of sublime absorption in our universal essence. refining the emotional body into absolute clarity through authentic, impeccable self-inquiry, and experiencing our own divinity as a lived reality of our embodied Truth.

    All the stars are in our favor. Gaia’s slipstream invites us to hurtle forward if we are willing to come along with her, and the Universe is cheering us on. The support is unwavering and not lacking in any way.

    The practices you’ll find in this lab offer an opportunity for you to hone your processing skills into a level of true Mastery, refining your mental, emotional and physical bodies into absolute clarity through authentic and impeccable self-inquiry. Here is a safe place to learn about delving deeply to explore the daunting territory of unconscious limiting beliefs, and resolving them to reveal the magnificent Truth of who we truly are. With the joyful support of taking on the inner work in the company of an enthusiastic group of serious processing adepts!

    Click here for more information about the processing lab and how to work with the materials included.

  • June 17 — Getting Out of the Spin! Embracing Our Empathic Gifts

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    The EMERGENCE group has been working together long enough to have become quite adept at deeply processing and resolving the energetic constructs (or programming) that create and maintain egoic limitations. They have learned how to effectively “Get Out of the Spin”.

    Please join us for the June, 2018  session to take the next step in resolving the power dynamic of the Narcissist and the Empath. We all have both on board and it is quite unnerving to find ourselves bouncing back and forth between the two — or as an empath, trapped in relationship with a narcissist. What a blessed relief it is when we come to rest in the truth of our Being — that we are beyond both yet can hold them each in full compassion.

    This time we are taking on the attraction and repulsion of our empathic giftsa surprising element we’ve uncovered with our exploration of this dynamic thus far.

    Deliverance is here if you’re ready to do the inner work to unify and resolve these polarized states. And is more powerful (and fun) when we taken on together with a group of serious processing adepts!

    This call was recorded on June 17, 2018

  • Continuing Our Exploration of the Narcissist and Empath Dynamic

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    PLEASE NOTE: Date Change

    Join us as we continue our exploration of the polarized power dynamic of the Narcissist with its opposite, the Empath in greater depth. Last month we worked with this polarity from the perspective of knowing that we all have a bit of both, so pointing fingers and playing victim isn’t the best way to deal with it. It was a fascinating journey and if you missed it, can be purchased here.

    However as an empath, being entangled in relationships with a narcissist is no joke. And we see that we have much more we can cover in order to come to rest in the truth of our Being — that resides beyond both yet holds them each equally in compassion.

    Deliverance is here if we’re ready to do the inner work that unifies and resolves the polarized states. And is way more powerful (and fun) when taken on with other serious processing adepts!

    This call was recorded on June 3, 2018

  • Getting Out of the Spin! Narcissist vs Empath Audio

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    The EMERGENCE group has been working together long enough to have become quite adept at deeply processing and resolving the energetic constructs (or programs) that create and maintain egoic limitations. They know how to “Get Out of the Spin”.

    You are invited to join them for this month’s session to resolve the polarized archetypes of the Narcissist with its opposite, the Empath. We almost all have a bit of both and it is quite unnerving to find ourselves either bouncing back and forth between these two — or as an empath, caught in relationship with a narcissist. What a blessed relief when we come to rest in the truth of our Being — that we are beyond both yet can hold them each in compassion.

    Deliverance is here if you’re ready to do the inner work to unify and resolve these polarized states. And is more powerful (and fun) when we taken on together with a group of serious processing adepts!

    This call was recorded on April 29, 2018


  • 2018 Reclaiming the Deprived Child

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    Join me for an in-depth and loving investigation of the Deprived Child archetype; where and why it has become trapped in your unconscious and how profoundly this affects on your ability to fully trust in and surrender to the Divine.

    If there are unconscious places in your psyche that hold mistrust of the Divine (and you can definitely find them if you honestly look within) that means you will never be able to really give up trying to control outcomes, you will always go into some level of fear when faced with the unknown, and continue to find yourself unsettled by major changes. And we live at a time in human history, where sudden, unexpected and radical change is the order of the day.

    The awesome news is that when we reclaim the deprived child with love and compassion, we allow these places to be revealed and released for a renewed and far more profound relationship of trust and surrender with your own essence as source divine.

    This call was recorded on March 25, 2018

  • June 25th — Our Next Pass at Reclaiming the Deprived Child

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    Join me on Sunday, June 25th at 8:30am Pacific for an in-depth and loving investigation of the Deprived Child archetype; where and why it has become trapped in your unconscious and how profoundly this affects on your ability to fully trust in and surrender to the Divine.

    If there are unconscious places in your psyche that hold mistrust of the Divine (and you can definitely find them if you honestly look within) that means you will never be able to really give up trying to control outcomes, you will always go into some level of fear when faced with the unknown, and continue to find yourself unsettled by major changes. And we live at a time in human history, where sudden, unexpected and radical change is the order of the day.

    The awesome news is that when we reclaim the deprived child with love and compassion, we allow these places to be revealed and released for a renewed and far more profound relationship of trust and surrender with your own essence as source divine.

  • An Introduction to Reclaiming the Deprived Child, Recording

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    Join me for an in-depth introduction to a loving investigation of the Deprived Child archetype, where and why it has become trapped in your unconscious and how this affects on your ability to fully trust in the Divine.

    If there are unconscious places in your psyche that hold mistrust of the Divine (and you can definitely find them if you honestly look within) that means you will never be able to really give up trying to control outcomes, you will always go into some level of fear when faced with the unknown, and continue to find yourself unsettled by major changes. And we live at a time in human history, where sudden, unexpected and radical change is the order of the day.

    The awesome news is that reclaiming the deprived child with love and compassion will allow these places to be revealed and released for a renewed and far more profound relationship of trust and surrender with your own essence as source divine.

    This call was recorded on May 14, 2017 — Mother’s Day — and includes a special Mother Gaia’s Day transmission.

  • Taking Flight with Releasing Frozen Children

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    At this point in our evolutionary trajectory, one of the most direct and profound approaches to emotional clearing is to honor our innocence with the power of our own self-love and compassion to release frozen children. The technique enables each of us to effectively release and resolve the cellular debris of early childhood trauma from a truly 5th dimensional perspective — beyond the concepts of victim/tyrant, judgment, blame or regret.

    If you have not yet experienced this approach to emotional resolution and integration, you will find this call to be seriously effective  and quite profound. We had some truly stunning experiences during this call, which are included in this recording.  Enjoy!

  • Releasing Frozen Past Lives

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    Join Victoria for an interactive processing into resolution call which definitely jumped another level to bring in something new for 2015. We are now ready to incorporate a deeper level of emotional exploration and recovery, by using the process to release frozen “past lives” and in this call, which was our first experience with this approach — we were a roaring success! The process can readily be used to release frozen children and frozen past lives interchangeably, which gives us an even greater edge on rapidly moving awareness into a state of wholeness. Enjoy!

  • Amplified Group Clearing—Releasing Frozen Children

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    Releasing Frozen Children

    Join us for a deep dive into the amplified power of a group healing/clearing experience. When deep emotional shadow arises and catches you by surprise, it invariably has roots in early childhood wounding. As young children we didn’t have the language to express our authentic selves with their difficult emotions to our parents or other authority figures, and who were probably too busy to listen anyway. As a result we simply shut down. This coping mechanism created veiled aspects of our younger self—frozen children—who remain locked inside us in unresolved states. They are stuck in the past, frozen off at the age when the trauma occurred.

    During this call Victoria guides us through a powerful vehicle for liberating/releasing our frozen children. We partner with the ‘angelic realms’ and go deeply within to locate these frozen off aspects of our child self and invite them to express the painful impressions they are holding in the unconscious.  Simultaneously we provide the loving and compassionate support that was missing at the time.  Finally, the experience completes when they are ready to release and let go back into Source – home at last – loved and resolved into Oneness!

    See Releasing Frozen Children for a full description of this powerful technique.

    This call was recorded on November 11, 2014

  • Releasing Frozen Children Technique

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    In this class, Victoria guides us through a powerful vehicle for liberating/releasing our frozen children. We partner with the “angelic realms” to go inward and locate these frozen children and allow them to express the painful impressions that they hold in the unconscious.