Welcome to EMERGENCE 2019!
This is the program inspired by, designed for and offered to you. Yes you, a beautiful soul who has come to this planet at this time with magnificent gifts to offer in support of a species in the midst of a serious spiritual transformation, the likes of which humanity has never seen before. What a spectacular time to be alive … and NOW is the time for you to finesse your mystical skills and spiritual presence in order to burst forth with a powerful flow of luminous love! It is time to emerge from the cocoon.
This program will provide you with the energetic fine-tuning, relevant guidance and vibrationally resonant support group you’ll need for the encouragement, confidence and extra boost required for making this transition to your next reality.
Over the next twelve months, we will further address all that is involved in coming out – from the most fundamental and practical details to the most refined and subtle energetic considerations. Our calls will allow us to go much deeper into the topics that are most relevant to each of your journeys, and will be significantly more personal in nature.
We have an intimate group of very powerful, heart-centered and highly evolved mystical beings with SO very much to offer one another – and we have found working together in this way to be both completely profound and a lot fun!
The full program includes the following:
- One Emergence call each month for the Emergence group only plus all other publicly available calls offered each month.
- Access to the Emergence 2019 Slack forum – a facilitated online conferencing space for us to share experiences, insights, ideas, hopes and dreams, and to bring up topics for discussion and ask questions. (See details below)
- One 60-minute mentoring session with me during the 12 months of the series – to be scheduled when you feel it would be most helpful.
- Facilitated and non-facilitated breakout groups (InstantTeleseminar calls ) as the need arises.
Click here for the EMERGENCE 2019 Online Forum.
The forum is our online (written) communication vehicle. Here we can raise questions, provide answers for each other and discuss what we cover during the calls and everything else that comes up for us personally or as a group to discuss or share over the course of the next six months.