Finding Sanctuary Within — 2020 Retreat Replays

An intimate 4-Day Virtual Retreat
Participants Home Page

I’m so glad to be sharing this time of deep and profound retreat with all of you during this truly amazing moment in time.

I hope you’ve had a chance to review the Finding Sanctuary Within Retreat Brochure as it includes all you need to know about how  to prepare for a virtual retreat; how to carve out the space and time from your daily life, how to create a sanctuary in your home, and how to maintain the vibration of your surroundings so that they support you in going deeply within. Of course, due to the current circumstances there will most likely be some modifications, but do the best that you can, as your preparation in many ways determines your experience.

And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me and I will answer them for you.

Each day we will spend time meditating deeply, experimenting with innovative new breath & embodiment practices and engaging in deep no-holds-barred authentic dialogue as an aspect of soulful inquiry.

So, remember that physical activity is critical to move the energies that surface when we dive deeply into more refined states of consciousness and meet the inevitable psychic gunk that is stirred up. And we allow plenty of time for this as part of the program.

And while we are all scrupulously practicing ‘social distancing’, if you are able to get outside and into nature for even a short time each day — that will be fantastic.


To Access Sessions:

Tuesday, April 14th at 3:00pm PDT — Setting the Field and Retreat Orientation (non-video)

All Morning Sessions at 9:00am Pacific
Meeting ID: 965 022 846
Password: Awakening
Join Zoom Meeting:

All Afternoon Sessions at 2:30pm Pacific
Meeting ID: 727 093 811
Password: Awakening
Join Zoom Meeting:

Saturday Morning at 7:30am Pacific
Meeting ID: 597 023 686
Password: Rebirth
Join Zoom Meeting:


Evening Sessions Using InstantTeleseminar

Wednesday, April 15th at 7:00pm PDT — Evening Meditation Gathering Replay:

Thursday, April 16th at 7:00pm PDT — Evening Meditation Gathering:

Friday, April 17th at 7:00pm PDT Evening Meditation Gathering


Follow-Up & Check-in Call Replay:

Session Recording:

Links to Share from today’s discussion::

Rama’s Humility talk:
Go to to download the book, either paper ($,99) or kindle (free for Amazon Prime). In the kindle e-book online version, the Humility talk begins on page 747.

The Lion’s Roar: (Chogyam Trungpa)

The Tear in the Eye of the Buddha (Rama):

Don’t Listen (Rama):


To Access the Session Replays:
Recordings (audio and video) will be posted here after each session.

04/15 Finding Sanctuary Within — Afternoon Session

04/15th — Evening Meditation Gathering Replay:

04/16 Finding Sanctuary Within — Morning Session

04/16 Finding Sanctuary Within — Afternoon Session

04/16th — Evening Meditation Gathering Replay:

04/17 Finding Sanctuary Within — Morning Session

04/17 Finding Sanctuary Within — Afternoon with Chrysta Huska

Notes & Messages from Chrysta’s Presentation

04/17 Evening Meditation Gathering

04/18 Finding Sanctuary Within — Final Morning Session