Integrating Intensity with Impeccability

VictoriaUncategorized Leave a Comment

Greetings everybody!

I hope you are enjoying wherever you are stationed along the trajectory from simply surviving to absolutely thriving at the moment … any spot on that continuum will do … since to me these days, it seems to swing wildly from moment to moment, regardless. We are in the midst of a seriously big-time energetic onslaught that is amplified by two eclipses and an Equinox — ushering us right into the final three months of a stupendously transformative year — big stuff!

 Take Note — Today is a 9-9-9 Day

In numerology, today is a highly charged 9-9-9 day — the 9th day of the 9th month, in a 9 year (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9). Since ‘9’ is the number for culmination and celebration, take note and enjoy the upsurge of luminosity and joy.

Our game has been upped, we’re learning to take it all in stride, and congratulations are most definitely due.

It’s time to enjoy being poised at the edge of
an event horizon where intensity reigns supreme

It’s time to just get cozy with, and enjoy being poised at the edge of an event horizon where intensity reigns supreme. And it feels imperative that we surrender into taking whatever activities, time or space this ongoing integration requires, while remembering to cherish our unique divine perfection … no matter how that shows up in any moment.

Have you noticed that this month’s energies are demanding an increased level of impeccability, both on the inner and outer planes, but especially in our physical surroundings? I’ve noticed this compelling urge to clean up, de-clutter and finalize projects both for myself, and most of my friends. And of course, this makes total sense.

Inner impeccability is an energetic alignment with our higher Nature, and centered in our core while consciously grounded in our body. And it is vastly supported when our physical life is in impeccable order with no loose ends flapping in the breeze.

This is one of those times when how impeccably we show up in the physical, impacts our inner state even more than usual…

Fortunately, we can harness the intense energies of the moment to empower our ability to take care of business and sweat the details with precision and grace. The resulting upswing in our impeccability quotient gives us the mystical wind in our sails to most effectively integrate and stabilize what we are going through now, and prepare for what lies ahead.

This is one of those times when how impeccably we show up in the physical, impacts our inner state even more than usual — hence this push we feel to get all of our ducks in a row. You’ll be amazed at how much more clarity and vitality becomes freed up and available, and how much easier meeting and integrating the intensity becomes when you take the time to do that.

With love from the Land of Enchantment,

September 9, 2016

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