Free Audio Downloads

September 30, 2023 — Meditation on Magnetic Love

This meditation guides you into an experience of sensing and feeling the magnetic field of grace that is the Divine Feminine principle in action, and provides an opening into 4th dimensional consciousness. When we perceive and experience this fabulous energetic field of dynamic exchange that we call ‘life‘ from realm of the heart; it is viewed through the eyes of divine grace. No matter what is happening in the world of doings, all is anchored in the underlying  realm of pure Being. This perceptual shift gives new meaning to all that we encounter.

There are two versions of this special guided meditation — this shorter version is 1/2 hour. The longer version approximately one hour and available for purchase on our audio downloads page..

Right click here and save link as to download the shorter audio recording.


June, 2023 — Solstice Meditation

Join me in meditation to access greater depths of stillness and a immerse in a field of magnificent possibility. One that is fueled by the transformative mystical infusion of higher light that always comes with a Solstice. A time when the veils that we have created for our own evolution, but appear to somehow obscure our ability to perceive between the worlds, soften to a transparency that reveals so much more of our true essential nature.We truly are divine multi-dimensional Beings who have the ability to create and sustain anything we choose.

Right click here and save link as to download the audio recording.

December 31, 2022 — New Years Eve Day Meditation

With immense gratitude for the gifts of an amazing 2022, we welcomed a brilliant 2023 with meditations in two time zones to address both 11:00pm SA and 11:00pm US Eastern Time. So we had two opportunities to catalyze the mystical power of the transition between the year that is ending and the one that is newly beginning. While accepting the invitation to drop into the unbounded field of all possibilities, to actualize our authentic dreams for the coming year.

Enjoy the audio replay of the earlier meditation.

Right click here and save link as to download the audio recording.

December 31, 2021 — New Years Eve Day Meditation

With Gratitude for ’21 and a Welcome for ’22.

Please enjoy the replays of this spectacular meditation where we gratefully honored all that 2021 gifted us and welcomed with joy and celebration what 2022 is to bring. Even if you weren’t able to attend live, the recordings capture all of the luminous presence and grace of this powerful global gathering and very special transmission.

Right click here and save link as to download the audio recording.

September 4, 2021 — Are you Ready to Actualize Oneness?

Enjoy this audio replay of a powerful meditation and a rousing discussion to inspire and support your next steps on this wild and woolly journey of wonder and awe, exquisite grace and true fulfillment! Find out how the Alchemy of Body, Breath and Awareness powerfully catapults you into living as the field of Oneness. An approach to awakening into your higher Truth that is truly what our entire circumstance at this time on the planet, is calling forth.

I share what I have discovered from a lifetime of devoted spiritual practice with an emphasis on the body’s role in awakening our highest consciousness, as the means to fully embody as the Unified Field in constant creation. We came here fully equipped with all that we need to reveal this Truth.

Right click here and save link as to download the audio recording.

April 4, 2021 — Easter Sunday Meditation

Enjoy the 2021 special Easter Sunday sunrise (or sunset)) global meditation. What better moment to meet together in the depths of stillness and universal love, than a holy-day that celebrates the glory of rebirth and resurrection. Together we’ll amplify this opportunity to attune and align with our own highest frequencies — that which we know as Christ Consciousness.

Since time and space are truly just illusion, you can join this meditation any time for a gorgeous dive into the higher dimensional states of renewal, divine love and Oneness.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

December 31, 2020 — A New Year’s Eve Meditation

Join Victoria for a special meditations recorded on December 31st, 2020 to honor this time of profound openings and gentle deepening  2021 brings with it a much higher harmonic than we’ve ever known, as a result of the recent dimensional shift this our planet made at the December Solstice.

This is truly the perfect cosmic storm for transforming into the exquisitely clarified vessels of vast, eternal, abundant consciousness that we have incarnated to BE. An embodiment of multidimensional grace, anchored from the Cosmos into Mother Earth, amplified by the frequencies of the holy days.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

November, 2020 — Gratitude Meditation

During the 2020 Holy Days, we truly have a perfect cosmic storm for transforming into the exquisitely clarified vessels of enlightened consciousness that we have incarnated to be. A Being that embodies multidimensional grace all the way in, anchored from the Cosmos into Mother Earth.

So much is occurring right now to support us in this, we have so very much to be grateful for. You are invited to celebrate our capacity and reverence for Gratitude in it’s most subtle and comprehensive manner with this powerful meditation.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

April 12, 2020 — Easter Sunday Sunrise/Sunset Meditation

Join me for a special Easter Sunday sunrise (or sunset)) global meditation. What better time to meet together in the depths of stillness, higher love and authentic compassion than the holy-day that celebrates the glory of rebirth and resurrection. Let this be a time for us to attune with that state we know as Christ Consciousness.

Our global meditation began at 7:00am Pacific Daylight time on Sunday, April 12th and lasted one hour. Since time and space are truly just illusion, you can join us at any time for this gorgeous dive into the higher dimensional states of purity, sacred love & Oneness.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

December 21, 2019 — Solstice Meditation

Join Victoria and friends for a very special call to immerse in a tangible field of oneness, deeply held by a transmission of Solstice magic to align and connect with the power and beauty of this most profound mystical window.

This meditation is an opportunity to step back from both the distractions of a world seemingly in chaos and the bustle of the (mostly) joyous holiday season, to deepen into the stillness, truth and wisdom of your own inner reaches. The grace of each Solstice alignment is an invitation to embody more completely into the very essence of your soul. And each year the grace amplifies as consciousness continues to ascend. Please note that this meditation can bring you back into that frequency at any point in time!

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

June 21, 2019 — Solstice Meditation

Join Victoria for a profound global meditation to honor the powerful Solstice frequencies and embrace their exquisite transformative gifts.

Each Solstice is a unique mystical window is an energetic gateway that allows a greater influx of stellar radiation — cosmic light — as the axial tilt of the Earth comes to a gravitational “standstill” for three days. The veils between the dimensions become far more transparent and a deluge of multi-dimensional wisdom and universal love is available.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

February, 2019 — The Care and Feeding of the Emotional Body

Here is a short discussion that proved to be quite helpful as both a reminder of and in several cases, necessary clarification about how to understand and “care for” our emotional bodies most effectively. I think that we can all agree that compassionate attention to the emotional body is terrifically important at this time.

It matters not how many years we’ve been on our journey, nor how regular or devoted our practice nor even how awake we are, this transitional time does entail difficult challenges. And our beautifully wired and incredibly sensitive emotional body is what is generally most readily (and sometimes adversely) affected.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

August 26, 2018 — The Gateway to All Possibilities

A Meditation, transmission and journey into the Field of All Possibilities; also known as Nirvana, Samadhi, the Absolute, Beyond the Beyond, and many others. All are attempts to name that which cannot be named and describe the indescribable — that which can only be experienced. And within which your True Nature as the Divine incarnate is revealed.

The  gloves are off now when it comes to meditating into the depths of our Being and traversing the realms of the great unknown. With some additional oomph from the Arcturian High Council for this special Birthday event!

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

June 21, 2018 — Solstice Meditation and Transmission

This year the June Solstice was even more stunningly outrageous in its transformational power than the last, which is why we meditated together right at the time of the alignment for an over-the-top transmission from the realms of wonder and light!

I know that the exact time was a little inconvenient for some. However, if you want to make a bid for power & gain a springboard into higher consciousnesses — this is the moment to cast convenience aside. I guarantee there was no regret!

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.

April 1, 2018 — Easter Sunday Sunrise/Sunset Meditation

Join Victoria for a special Easter Sunday Sunrise / Sunset Meditation.  What better time to meet together in the depths of stillness, higher love and authentic compassion than the holy-day that celebrates the glory of rebirth and resurrection. Let this be a time for us to attune with that state we know as Christ (or 5th dimensional) consciousness.

This global meditation lasts approximately one hour. Enjoy a deep dive into the higher dimensional frequencies of purity, love and Oneness.

Right click here and save link as to download the recording.