2020 April Easter Retreat

New Retreat Dates!
An intimate 5-Day Live Retreat in Sacred Santa Fe
During the Easter Holy Week — April 8th thru 12th

Please note: Cancelled due to Covid-19 Travel and Meeting Restrictions


I’m delighted to invite you to join me in the sacred city of Santa Fe, New Mexico for a deeply transformational journey of profound openings into new vistas of awakened consciousness with an intimate retreat during the 2020 Easter Holy Week, always a very special time in Santa Fe.

This 5-day retreat will give you an opportunity to immerse in the timeless wisdom and luminosity of your deeper self, held within a nurturing, supportive and sumptuously beautiful locale, in coherence with a small group of dedicated souls who are also ready to dive fully into their next level of consciously embodied awareness. And to work personally with me as we take advantage of the beautiful frequencies of the Easter Holy Week to uplift and catalyze your awakening into the Sacred Heart.

For me, this new year and decade issue a clarion call to move into new territory, make big changes, and take action that will make a difference! It is an invitation to activate a quantum flip in our approach to actualizing the awakened state while living in this world. With opportunities to radically enhance our perceptions of consciousness, embodiment, and relationship with the cosmos—in fact our entire experience of reality. If this view resonates with you, know that our time together in the luminous presence of sacred space, during an equinox window, is dedicated to you finding  greater alignment with the Truth of who you are — and what you are here to do.

There is a special magic to our exquisite retreat space, Rass Mandal, where the sacred geometry of its celestial art, stunning architecture and beautiful natural surroundings coalesce to create a profound field that invites you into greater depths of meditation and powerfully clarifies your inner alignment.

Each day we will spend time meditating deeply, playing with innovative new breath & embodiment practices and engaging in deep no-holds-barred authentic dialogue while processing. Simultaneously surrounded by and immersing in the healing balm of Nature. Our retreat space is situated in a mountain range of pine forests, with access to the gorgeous hiking trails that invite us to enjoy the beauty and wisdom of nature that is readily accessible here.

Between the spacious circular great room where we meet, the outdoor yoga pavilion and the private sauna available to us, we will have ample opportunity to stretch, relax, and rejuvenate our bodies with yoga, dancing, hiking, etc — all fine venues to practice conscious embodiment. Physical activity is critical to move the energies that surface when we dive deeply into more refined states of consciousness and the inevitable psychic gunk that is stirred up. So we allow plenty of time for this as well.

I find that 2020 heralds a renaissance in my personal passion for conscious embodiment activated by a lively new perspective. One of greater rigor, clarity and accessibility. It invites us to see our journey as one of embodiment — rather than attainment (in our case that would be, of enlightenment).

To see our bodies as amazing vehicles that are made of grace, designed to receive and embody the frequencies of existence or universal love, and bring the luminous, awakened consciousness that which we already are, into form. Able to act from, meet and engage with this world as that state fully embodied.

This is the year and decade for those of us who are ready, to embrace a quantum flip and enjoy its fulfillment as cellular illumination in order to actualize Oneness. Things we’ve spoken of for years, but are now possible and supported. So exciting!
Retreat Logistics

The retreat begins on April 8th with check-in at 4:00pm and a welcome dinner at 6:30pm.

A daily schedule will be sent to you once you are registered, however each day will include two sessions for meditation & discourse, with optional early morning yoga (except on Saturday), and an evening meditation prior to bedtime. I will also be available to spend time doing personal work with each of the attendees over the 5 days.

The retreat ends on Easter Sunday morning, April 8th with a final gathering at 9:00am and a special Easter Brunch.

Special Events
We will celebrate this sacred holy week with two special events.

During the afternoon of April 9th, Chrysta Huska will lead us in a special ceremony to connect with and honor the Nature Kingdom. This is an event that she has been sharing with many small groups over the past few years and we’re thrilled that she is offering this to our group.

And on Easter Sunday morning. we will gather in the early morning for a Sunrise Meditation that we will share with our international friends in a live call.

Application and Pricing
Due to the number of bedrooms in our retreat venue, we are limited to an intimate group of no more than 7 participants. Participation is by application. Since space is limited if you wish to attend this special retreat, please complete and send in your application as soon as possible.

Upon acceptance, your deposit deposit of $1,000 will hold your space, with the balance due by March 21st.

If sharing a double  —  full price is $1,850.

If staying in a single — full price is $2,150.

Price includes all meals and expenses during the retreat. It does not include your flights to Santa Fe or transportation to and from the airport.

To register, please complete the registration form and send to Emanation of Presence via email or post to the following address:

Victoria More
Emanation of Presence
223 No. Guadalupe St. #250
Santa Fe, NM 87501

This is a magnificent moment for radical transformation. Together we will have some serious fun exploring new facets or our true nature, while co-creating a powerful field for transformation within a sublime sacred temple during a spectacular Holy Week and an abundance of Gaia’s natural glory.

Sure to be an excellent time for all!