10/29 — The Essence of Love Is the Presence of Grace Replay
Enjoy this replay of a profound global meditation recorded on Saturday, October 29th. Where we dove in deeply together as transformative agents of Divine Grace to cultivate, amplify and transmit the frequencies of 4th & 5th dimensional consciousness, in service to awakening humanity into a new evolutionary state.
Gaia’s vibration continues to ascend and her invitation is for us to evolve in sync with her. While polarization and chaos appear to have the upper hand at the moment, fear not. This is an illusion resulting from the frequency upsurge currently affecting every single aspect of life on Planet Earth. And we are here to fully anchor our Soul’s desire to embody a new ascended state as Pure Consciousness — the Essential Self as Love — our I AM presence.
The depth of our meditation amplifies each time we meet, so I invite you to enjoy this immersion in the realms of unfathomable intelligence and luminous grace.