Open To the Depths Within — Meditation Replay


Please enjoy the Saturday, April 27th replay of a meditation and transmission for those who are ready to play their part as actualizing agents of Divine.Oneness. When we perceive and experience this fabulous dynamic exchange called ‘life‘ from the perspective of the heart, through the eyes of divine grace, we awaken the Universal Solvent — a Deeper Love. No matter what takes place in the world of doings, a Deeper Love heals all, and anchors us in the realm of pure Being. A perceptual shift that gives an entirely new meaning to all that we encounter and all whom we meet.

Living as the vibration of a deeper love is authentic liberation— the consciousness of Unity and Oneness. The gathering is inclusive and open to all with a recommended energetic exchange of $24.00. However if this doesn’t work for you, please listen as a guest.

I am delighted to share with you this opportunity to immerse in the dimensions of unfathomable intelligence and luminous grace.

Link to the Audio Replay

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