2/22/20; Seasons of SoulWork with Meg Archambault — Autumn Recording
Join Meg and friends for a deep dive to explore the Inner and Outer work it takes to align with Source and embody the Soul’s Work that you were born to do.
During this four-part Series, we will look at the overarching “map” of SoulWork, using the Seasons as our Guide, and explore the Essence of each Season, through Teachings, Self-Inquiry, Practice, and Q & A. This will give you an experiential understanding of SoulWork that you can take home with you into your ongoing spiritual practice.
The second call in the series is the season of Autumn.
Watch this interview with Victoria to meet Meg and hear about how she came to develop SoulWork.
Click here for a full description of each call in the series.
Recorded on February 22,2020