Conscious Embodiment / Cellular Illumination Audio — an Introduction to the Series


Are you ready for more vitality, energy and inspiration in your life? Do you feel its high time to upgrade your Joy Factor? Or are you inspired to really go for it and claim your birthright as a fully Conscious Embodiment of Soul Realization?

If one or all of these queries resonate with you, then you’ll definitely want to listen to this recording from a Satsang / Meditation / and Transmission that took place on Saturday, September 17th, to reveal and ignite your body’s innate capacity for cellular awakening and an exponential expansion of cosmic awareness.

Victoria offers a transmission of highly attuned and refined subtle-body awareness that has the capacity to unlock your body’s latent ability to re-calibrate into higher dimensional frequencies, and is available during both meditation and dialogue.

This call is a preview of what to expect from the new series, Cellular Illumination — a Journey of Conscious Embodiment.